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9,600 gold in a few minutes ( Adventure Quest World)

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

if you go to the Isle D'Oriens (Its the rip in the sky over the guardian tower). Once there, go to the second door to the left. then, click on that lowing reed light. Vince the drakel will emerge, and yell at you. then, click on him, and tell him that you want to help him fix his machine. you will go through a cutscene, where he shrinks you, and puts you in a mouse ball. you have to go through a maze. now, most people make this harder than it has to be. once in the maze, go forward (Be sure no to get touched by the mouse) go to the left, and then down, and take the first left. once in there, go up, then to the left, then up, and to the right. go up, and to the left (Avoiding the mouse) then go down, and to the left, and then up. once there go to the right, and grab the purple ball. vince will reward you with $1,600 gold. you can repeat this only about 6 times, until the purple ball disappears from the maze. but $9,600 gold is not bad. sorry, but logging out, and trying again doesn't work. the only hope is to wait until the next day. that seems to work for me.

Really Work Man..!!!!!Don'Forget!!!
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