Demo Blog

Website Resmi SMPN 1 Ciamis

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb
Teman-teman warga Nesacis jangan lupa kunjungi website resmi milik Nesacis di klik di sini
Terus Log In.di sana kita bisa mendapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai pelajaran atau kegiatan di sekolah.Seru pokonya.
Waalaikum Salam Wr.Wb
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Bug Buat lulus praktis Jounin part 4

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

  1. rekrut 2 orang level 11,lalu pergi k jounin exam part 4 klik...
  2. ketika nenek muncul ,klik sekali.!!
  3. tekan tab dan kemudian tekan enter,halaman akan load......
  4. lakukan langkah 1 dan 2 lagi!
  5. klik earn saga token dsb ,(terserah)!
  6. akhirny anda telah lulus dari part 4!
Atau cara yang di bawah ini!
  1. buka NS
  2. rekrut teman lv 40
  3. pergi ke kage room!
  4. klik / misi jounin exam part 4
  5. tekan TAB sekali...
  6. kemudian tekan ENTER
  7. TAB tekan dua kali
  8. kemudian ENTER sekali
  9. kemudian klik apa saja di layar
  10. selesai deh part 4 ^_^d

(Catatan: Ini cuma Bug jadi mungkin saja se waktu2 tidak akan berhasil)
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Cara untuk free user mendapatkan 40 Scrool (Tambahan Buat jounin part 4 )

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Cara nya, beli scroll sampai full, terus lawan boss di hunting house, pakai semua scroll, sengajakan aja kalah, lalu beli lagi scroll sampai full, langsung reload ninja saga nya !
setelah di reload, maka healing scroll kamu sudah 40 !
Trick ini hanya memanfaat bug, jadi kalau sudah selesai, normalin lagi .
caranya, main kan saja misi sembarang mau misi yang mana, setelah selesai, beli scroll sampai full .
yaudah, reload lagi ninja saga kamu .

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Tips Jounin Exams part 4

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Sebelumnya saya meminta maaf karena tips part 3 tidak di rilis ,soalnya saya sendiri sibuk mencari cara untuk lolos part 3,. ^_^
Ya sudahlah yang lalu biarla berlalu sekarang saya akan memberikan tips jounin part 4 yang menyuruh kita untuk menjadi pemimpin grup,jadi intinya kita bisa mengendalikan ke tiga char sekaligus.Healing Scrool juga bisa di bagi untuk teman recrut kita ^_^ (menurut saya malah lebih pusing..hehehe.)
tips nya gan :
perhatikan background tempat beratarungnya....

kalau warnanya ungu.... HINDARI nyerang yang elemen petir...
kalau warnanya hijau.....HINDARI nyerang yang angin...
kalau warnanya merah...HINDARI nyerang yang api...
dan seterusnya gan..... soalnya shikigami yang cocok sama backgroud tempat bertarung bakalan agak kebal...
yang laen sama... sleep ke 2 makhluk terus fokus ke 1 aja.... kalau backgroundnya ganti... agan ganti juga targetnya....
bawa FI,, Stun,, restrict ma blind jutsu....

pertama ...
ente tidur kan semua....
kecuali yang tengah..
terus ente fokus bantai yang tengah...
karena yang tengah elemenya lagi gak kuat..
bunuh sampai mati..
kalau udah mati ente bunuh yang sebelah kanan...
yang angin terakhir aja...koz sering dogge...
kalau udah mati ..terus ente fokus bunuh yang angin yang sebelah kiri...
itu bos paling kuat yang angin..

Jadi intinya Sleep semua shikigami kecuali yang tengah terus bantai ,habis itu bantai yang kanan,.dan selanjutnya yang kiri beres dehh...
Sekian tips buat part 4.bila ada kesalahan saya minta maaf.
Semoga berguna
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Tips Jounin Exams part 2

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Pertama-tama saya meminta maaf kepada anda semua yang menunggu tips ujian jounin part 2 ini, keterlambatan tips ini di karenakan saya sangat susah mencari cara untuk para free user, saya berfikir mustahil bagi para free user untuk lulus dari part 2 ini.Tetapi saya tidak menyerah dan saya menemukan satu cara yaitu dengan menggunakan cheat 1 hit kill (walaupun saya adalah salah satu yang menentang cheat tpi tidak apa2 di gunakan sesekali,.hhee)

  1. Go into Ninja Saga and start mission
  2. Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe
  3. Setting Tick (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)
  4. Scan "89065E5BC208003B7B54"
  5. 1 address should returned
  6. Right click the address then Select "Disassemble this memory region"
  7. Right click the Selected Code and then select "Toggle Break Point" or Press [F5]
  8. Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will now freeze)
  9. Go back in CE then Click "Debug" > "Run" 1 time only
  10. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0
  11. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
  12. Now your enemy is dead (-;
  13. Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!

    Semoga berhasil!!!
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Strategies and tips Hunting House!

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

* In order to survive the damage some of these bosses dish out, reallocating your stat points to all EARTH is a good idea to survive high damaging jutsus and criticals, as well as surviving a 5 turn stun from Byakko. All WIND element is just as useful, though there's always the chance that you'll still be hit for high damage. Having more attack power and no defense is useless in these fights as you'll most likely die before you can even take off half of the monster's health bar.
* STUNS NOW WORK ON WORLD BOSSES AS OF MAY 14, 2010! There's still a chance that they resist the stun, but at least free players are given a chance at the higher level World bosses!
* The overall best pet to use against World Bosses is Keiko, he restricts and burns. Other useful pets, in order of most useful to least, are; Tomaru, Leiko, Suzu/Inokuchi, Suki, and Eriko.
* Have a large stockpile of Healing scrolls with you, even if you're a water jutsu user. If you're a water jutsu user, consider adding 2 of the highest ranking Heal's available as well.

* Skills that cause; burn, poison, restriction, Stun and bleeding are highly effective in World boss fights. They help you take out the bosses quicker.
    Skills that cause the burn affect are: Hellfire jutsu, Tomaru and the pet Keiko.
    Skills that cause poison are: Leiko and the Blacksmith weapon Snake Soul.
    Skills that cause stuns are; Earth strangle, head kick, Fat lady transformation, Sexy lady transformation, lightning shock, Suzu, and Inokuchi.
    Skills that cause bleeding are: Blade of Wind, Wind edge chop, Moon cleave, and Wind blade extension.
    Skills that cause restriction are: Water Bundle and the pet Keiko.
* If you're a lightning user, Lightning flash is a useful skill as well. It allows you to blind your opponent and gives you a high chance to take ZERO damage for 2 turns. Use it properly and you'll be able to dodge some of the more devastating attacks. Eriko can also blind as well, though at a much lower percentage of success.
* Spirit touch, Suki, Tomaru, and Golem protection can help reduce the amount of damage you take as well, effective in negating the high damaging attacks of some of these bosses.
* Feather illusion is great against Tengu. It allows only one monster to attack you for 3 turns, and your 3 man team will concentrate all their attacks on one monster. Sleep is unique in that during the 3 turns it's in effect, you cannot deal damage to that opponent. Doing so will wake him/her up! Status ailments like burn also wake up the opponent, so cast sleep when these are off!
* Evasion is a good skill to use for all Wind stat users. It'll give you about a 70% chance of dodging all attacks for 3 turns. If your opponent uses an AoE skill, it has to hit you in order to damage your friends, dodging it will negate ALL damage dealt to everyone.

* The World bosses seem to attack in a cycle (not random like recruit friends), though I might be wrong in this. They will always attack you in roughly the same attack pattern every fight. Fight them a few times to find out when they use their more devastating attacks, restart, and counter them with blinds, sleep, protection, or evasion.
* Use attack skills early and often. The World boss battles are going to take more turns then any other fight there is. The quicker you use your best skills, the quicker they'll cool down and you can use them again.

* RECRUIT FRIENDS!!! RECRUIT FRIENDS!!! I can't stress this enough, you'll do more damage per turn and you'll last longer in battle as well. If the World bosses don't use their AOE attacks, their single attacks might hit your friends, and not you. As long as you stay alive, the mission will continue. This will lead to the highest chance of success if you can find and recruit friends!
* If you've got a few spare tokens to waste at a low level, recruiting the NPCs would help you out with the level 10 World boss. NPC's are useless for any other boss though, and it's recommended to not even bother using NPC's unless you really want to beat Ginkotsu at around level 10-15. You're better off waiting until you're level 20.

Heres what you need

Stat:40 wind


Water Bundle
Feather illusion
Refresh 4
Refresh 5
Wind blade extension
Moon cleave

Pet:Keiko(frog) or Leiko(snake)

Attack pattern
Feather illusion
Water bundle
so on and so on...

If you dont believe count is yourself..Evasion's cooldown is 10 and as on every skill you need here..
Lets count

Attack pattern:
Hellfire (1)
attack (2)
attack (3)
Feather illusion (4)
charge (5)
charge (6)
Water bundle (7)
attack (8)
attack (9)
attack (10) cooldown!
so on and so on...

But he can attack you because water bundle lasts for 2 seconds..thats why you need refresh ^^ hope this helps
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Tips buat Jounin Exam part 1

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Pertama-tama saya minta maaf karena ga ada fotonya , soalnya net saya lagi ngadat.
Ok deh To the point aja.Bila kamu kesulitan sama ujian jounin part 1 yang nyuruh kita buat hapalin segel~segel tangan yang mungkin agak susah buat kalain yang sulit menghapal semua,saya di sini memberi solusi yang bisa mempermudah kesulitan jounin exam part 1 yaitu dengan memfoto segel tangan tersebut dengan HP berkamera atau dengan print screen terus di paste ke paint,dengan begitu kamu tidak usah susah payah harus menghapal,.wkwkwkwkw

Animated Pictures Myspace Comments

Animated Pictures Myspace Comments

Semoga Bermanfaat bagi semuanya!!!see U..
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Penjelasan untuk kalian yg baru di ninja saga

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Sleep : sleep artinya tertidur, dimana ketika player mendapat efek sleep maka player tidak dapat menyerang selama beberapa turn, namun ketika player terkena efek sleep dan musuh menyerang player, maka secara otomatis efek ini akan hilang (terbangun).

Restriction : ketika player terkena efek restriction maka player tidak dapat menggunakan semua jutsu, player hanya bisa menyerang dengan normal attack saja.

Reactive Force : yang memiliki status ini hanya elemen tanah/memiliki point pada elemen tanah, jika player menyerang musuh dan terkena reactive force maka secara otomatis player juga mendapatkan sejumlah damage dari serangan player. Misal, ketika player menyerang musuh dan menghasilkan damage sekitar 500 maka HP player pun akan berkurang.

Combustion : combustion adalah keadaan dimana serangan player akan lebih besar sekitar 30% dari serangan yang biasa dihasilkan.

Stun : adalah keadaan dimana player terdiam selama beberapa turn/tidak dapat melakukan apapun hingga status ini hilang.

Purify : adalah sebuah efek yang dapat menghilangkan semua efek negatif yang terdapat pada player saat itu. Efek negatif antara lain : sleep,stun,burn,blind,bleeding, dll.

Blind : adalah keadaan dimana akurasi player menurun tajam hingga 30%, dimana semakin kecil akurasi maka semakin besar kesempatan musuh menghindar.

Burn : keadaan dimana player akan mendapatkan damage sebesar 3% dari jumlah HP musuh tiap turnnya. Note : damage diterima secara otomatis walaupun kita tidak menyerang.

Bleeding : keadaan dimana player akan mendapatkan damage 25% lebih besar dari damage biasa, dengan kata lain player akan menerima 125% dari serangan musuh.

Dodge : adalah keadaan dimana player menghindar dari serangan musuh, dengan kata lain damage yang diterima player adalah "0".

Critical : adalah keadaan dimana serangan yang player hasilkan sebesar 150% atau lebih.

Protection : status yang membuat player menerima damage lebih kecil dari biasanya (skill ini hanya dimiliki oleh elemen tanah)


1. Wind(Angin) = Meningkatkan 0.4% Dodge(penghindaran), Memberikan 1 Agility, dan meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Angin.

2. Fire(Api) = Meningkatkan 0.4% semua serangan(Damage), dan 0,4% chance untuk menambah damage 30% serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Api.

3. Thunder(Petir) = Meningkatkan 0,4% Critical(Kritikal) dan meningakatkan 0,8% damage kritikal, serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Petir.

4. Water(Air) = Meningkatkan 30 CP(Chakra Point), dan 0,4% chance untuk menghapus semua negative effect(stun) serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Air/ efek heal.

5. Earth(Tanah) = Meningkatkan 30 HP(Hit Point), dan 0,4% chance untuk mengurangi damage 30% serta meningkatkan 1% serangan ninjutsu berelemen Tanah.


1. Wind(Angin) = Low Damage, Fast Time Cooldown, Low Chakra Cost

2. Fire(Api) = High Damage, Long Time Cooldown, Average Chakra Cost

3. Thunder(Petir) = Average Damage, Average Time Cooldown, High Mana Cost

4. Water(Air) = Low damage, Average Time Cooldown, Average Mana Cost

5. Earth(Tanah) = Average Damage, Long Time Cooldown, Average Mana Cost


1. Taijutsu = Jurus yang menggunakan Serangan Fisik, untuk sekarang masih sedikit skill untuk Taijutsu

2. Genjutsu = Jurus Ilusi, efek skillnya adalah untuk menghentikan langkah(turn) lawan , untuk sekarang juga masih sedikit skillnya.


1. Wind + Earth = Imune Ninja, memiliki HP lebih dan Penghindaran, Dengan ini anda akan lebih kebal terhadap serangan.

2. Fire + Thunder = Destroyer, memiliki damage besar dan serangan kritikal, Mengkonsumsi CP lebih banyak dari Tipe lain, jadi CP bisa cepat habis.

3. Earth + Water = Supporter, memiliki HP dan CP lebih serta bisa Heal, Ninja paling ditakuti waktu pvp .
Water + Fire = Sage, memiliki damage dan CP besar serta bisa Heal. Jurusnya mengkonsumsi banyak CP, karena memiliki banyak CP , jadi Anda tidak usah kebingungan dengan CP.

4. Thunder + Wind = Runner, hanya mengandalkan keberuntungan saja, memiliki kelebihan chance(kemungkinan) melakukan serangan kritikal dan dodge(menghindar).

5. Thunder + Earth = Stunner, memiliki kritikal dan HP yang lebih, Stunner Type .

6. Fire + Earth = Berserker, memiliki damage dan HP yang besar, CP termasuk kecil karena membutuhkan banyak CP saat melakukan jurus berelemen Api.

7. Wind + Fire = Assaulter ,memiliki chance menghindar lebih besar dan damage besar.

8. Wind + Water = Blaster, memiliki chance menghindar lebih besar dan CP besar, tidak akan pernah pusing dengan CP hehe .

9. Thunder + Water = Windshock, memiliki chance kritikal lebih besar dan CP besar, Ninja Support.


1. Combustion = damageny + 30%
2. Combustion Fadded = Combustion Hilang
3. Purify = Menghilangkan Status Negatif
4. Reactive Force = Damage Return 30%
5. Critical = Total Damage 150 %
6. Evade = Serangan Gagal
7. Dodge = Serangan Dihindari
8. Blind = 75% serangan akan gagal masuk ke musuh (Lightning Flash effect 2x turn)
9. Restriction = Tidak bisa/ dilarang mengunakan skill ke lawan/diri sendiri (refresh/other buff) jadi yang bisa cm attack sama Charge
10. Bleeding = Menerima 25% tambahan damage dari musuh pada 3 turn selanjutnya (Blade of Wind effect)
11. Sleeping = Tertidur 3x turn (jika dipukul atau mendapatkan purfy akan terbangun effect dari feather illusion)
12. Burn = Healt Point berkurang 3% dalam 3x turn (Hell fire effect)

Facebook | Ninja Saga The World
Copyright from Facebook | penjelasan untuk kalian yg NEWBie di ninja saga
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Ninja Saga The World

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Ninja Saga The World,dari namanya kita sudah tau itu berhubungan dengan permainan di facebook yang akhir2 ini terkenal yaitu Ninja Saga.NSTW ada sebuah grup yang di buat di FaceBook untuk para pemain ninja saga yang ingin bebagi info atau share hal-hal penting tentang ninja saga,anda juga bisa berbagi cerita atau upload foto anda di grup ini.Tetapi ke bebasan itu juga ada peraturannya,supaya tertib sesama anggota NSTW.

1- dilarang posting tulisan yang sama di wall lebih dari dua (coz banyak banget yang nyepam gak karuan, wall yang lain jadi tertutup, 'n jadi terkesan serakah)

2 - dilarang berkata kotor, menghina, dan merendahkan user lain!

3 - bagi para member dilarang mengupload gambar/video hasil cheat di grup ini!! karna bisa membahayakan member lainnya (para cheater biasanya adalah hacker yang bisa meng-hack akun FB)!!

4 - dilarang membuat fordis (forum diskusi) dengan tema yang sama, sebaiknya dilihat dulu apakah yang mau ditanyain udah ada forumnya atau belum

5 - yang ingin menambah teman sudah kami sediakan forum tersendiri di forum diskusi

6 - yang melanggar aturan ini akan diblokir sepihak dari NSTW ,karena dianggap spammer dan scammer

*jika ada tindakan pelanggaran, harap lapor pada admin NSTW

Bila anda berminat gabung dengan grup ini silahkan klik Facebook | Ninja Saga The World

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Jasa Levling Char Ninja saga

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Jasa Leveling via Pulsa

Leveling per 10 level = 10 k
Leveling :
- level 1 - 40 = 30 k (no jutsu no weapon)
- level 1 - 40 = 50 k (plus jutsu token)
- level 1 - 40 = 75 k (plus jutsu token + weapon + body)

berminat ?
add me and PM me :!/profile.php?id=100001154139348

atau join grup :!/group.php?gid=122229071150912&ref=ts
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AQ World Gold/Exp Hack

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Sorry Kalau Burem!
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9,600 gold in a few minutes ( Adventure Quest World)

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

if you go to the Isle D'Oriens (Its the rip in the sky over the guardian tower). Once there, go to the second door to the left. then, click on that lowing reed light. Vince the drakel will emerge, and yell at you. then, click on him, and tell him that you want to help him fix his machine. you will go through a cutscene, where he shrinks you, and puts you in a mouse ball. you have to go through a maze. now, most people make this harder than it has to be. once in the maze, go forward (Be sure no to get touched by the mouse) go to the left, and then down, and take the first left. once in there, go up, then to the left, then up, and to the right. go up, and to the left (Avoiding the mouse) then go down, and to the left, and then up. once there go to the right, and grab the purple ball. vince will reward you with $1,600 gold. you can repeat this only about 6 times, until the purple ball disappears from the maze. but $9,600 gold is not bad. sorry, but logging out, and trying again doesn't work. the only hope is to wait until the next day. that seems to work for me.

Really Work Man..!!!!!Don'Forget!!!
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Tips dapet TOKEN melalui Spin di Ninja Saga!

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Bila anda ingin sekali TOKEN ninja saga nih saya kasih tips ampuhnya,Insya Allah berhasil,karena saya sudah 5x berturut2 dalam seminggu dapet,.
caranya sebagai berikut :

  1. 1Usahakan spin anda mencapai x6

  2. setelah itu jangan lah anda bermain Ninja Saga selama 1 hari (supaya kali di spin berubah jadi satu kembali.)

  3. selanjutnya setelah x1 coba anda putar spinnya.

  4. Eeetss jangan lupa Berdoa lah sebelum anda memutar.
    (note : Kunfayakun! itu pun bila Allah menghendaki)

Thanks telah membaca,jangan lupa komennya ya!!Salam!!

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Biografi J Rocks

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

J-Rocks adalah band dari Jakarta yang berdiri pada 9 November 2003 dengan personil Iman (vokal, gitar), Sony (gitar), Wima (bass), dan Anton (drum). Aliran band ini adalah Japanese pop/rock. Nama J-rocks sempat menjadi pembicaraan hangat di kalangan pecinta musik Jepang di Indonesia karena nama ini seakan mewakili genre Japanese Rock. Awalnya band ini bernama J-Rockstar, adalah ide dari sebuah stiker bertuliskan Rockstar, dengan harapan suatu saat akan menjadi Rockstar (bintang musik rock). Tambahan huruf "J" di depannya untuk mewakili band itu sendiri dengan alasan J bisa berarti Jepang karena umumnya mereka memainkan J-Music, Jakarta karena mereka berasal dari Jakarta, Jujur dalam bermusik dalam artian memainkan apa yang bener-bener mereka suka dan ingin memainkan musik yang ber-soul (jiwa). Nama J-Rockstar akhirnya disingkat menjadi J-Rocks karena adanya masalah penyebutan, sementara nama J-Rockstars akhirnya menjadi istilah untuk fans / penggemar J-Rocks dan biasa disingkat JRS. Sejak tahun 2008 J-Rocks mulai mengenakam kostum batik dengan desain modern namum tetap dengan dandanan ala harajuku, dan mempromosikan batik kepada kawula muda.

Sejarah J-Rocks

Awal 2004, J-Rocks menjuarai festival musik Nescafe Get Started 2004 yang disponsori oleh Nescafe, Trans TV, dan Aquarius Musikindo. Masing-masing personil meraih best vocalist, best guitarist, best bassist, dan best drummer. Mereka berhasil menjuarai festival tersebut dan berkesempatan membuat album kompilasi Nescafe Get Started yang merupakan awal bentuk kerjasama mereka dengan Aquarius Musikindo. Mereka akhirnya berhasil meluncurkan album perdana nya yang bertajuk "Topeng Sahabat" dengan label Aquarius pada pertengahan tahun 2005 dan mengisi dua lagu di album OST Dealova yaitu "Serba Salah" dan "Into The Silent".

Band ini semakin dikenal sejak munculnya album kedua Spirit, J-Rocks memainkan bermacam-macam beat dan aliran musik seperti Rock 'n Roll (Juwita Hati), Waltz / Victorian (Tersesal), Symphonic Metal (Aku Harus Bisa), blues, klasik ;;(classic), dan lain sebagainya.

Pada lagu berjudul "Kau Curi Lagi" mereka berkolaborasi gitaris wanita, Prisa Rianzi dan pada lagu "Juwita Hati" mereka membuat video klip di Jepang yang digarap oleh Hedy Suryawan. Shalvynne Chang, Sato & Boppy berperan sebagai fans yang mengejar idolanya sampai ke Jepang . Tidak tanggung-tanggung, beberapa kawasan di Jepang termasuk Shibuya & Harajuku dijadikan lokasi syuting Video Clip. Konsep yang menarik membuat Video Klip ini populer di Indonesia.

Rekaman di Studio Legendaris Abbey Road

J-Rocks mengukir sejarah sebagai band Indonesia pertama yang rekaman di studio legendaris Abbey Road, di Inggris. Proses rekaman dan mixing lagu-lagu terbaru mereka dilakukan selama lima hari dari tanggal 12 sampai 16 Oktober 2008. Di studio Abbey Road mereka ditangani oleh Chris Butler, seorang sound engineer ternama.
Proses rekaman untuk ketiga lagu J-Rocks hanya membutuhkan waktu selama dua hari. Di hari ke-3, Christ melakukan proses final mixing untuk lagu-lagu itu. Sambil menunggu, J-Rocks membuat video clip untuk lagu Falling in Love dan berfoto di zebra cross legendaris Abbey Road dengan mengenakan batik yang sudah mereka persiapkan dari Jakarta. Hasilnya J-Rocks merilis album ke-3, berupa mini album bertajuk "Road to Abbey", dengan cover bergambar J-Rocks menyebrangi zebracross Abbey Road ala The Beatles. Berisi 4 lagu dan 1 instrumental.

Kesempatan berharga ini diperoleh J-Rocks karena memenangkan ajang "A Mild Live Soundrenaline 2008". J-Rocks terpilih sebagai band terbaik di ajang tersebut karena mampu tampil sesuai dengan tema 'Free Your Voice' dan berhasil membawa topik 'Save Our Music and Culture'. Rekaman di Abbey Road Studios diharapkan bisa menjadi pintu gerbang go internasional.

Abbey Road Studios didirikan pada November 1931 oleh EMI di London. Sejumlah musisi tersohor pernah merekam lagu mereka di studio itu, seperti The Beatles, Green Day, Muse, Oasis, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, U2 bahkan Michael Jackson.

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Sepak Terjang Saya di Ninja Saga di Facebook

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Ini Pada saat challange Friend melawan Lv40 Premium User
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Ninja Emblem

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Wah hari ini saya akan menyampaikan cara untuk para pe main Ninja Saga di FaceBook untuk mendapatkan Emblem geratis,tapi harus sabar dan tekun,.

Pertama2 anda buat rekening di
setelah itu buat accaunt peoplestring,caranya dengan meng klik banner di bawah

setelah buat ,verifikasi lah alamat email anda,.
kalo sudah bermain atau membuka2 link yang ada di PS(PeopleString),.setelah anda mendapatkan 100 point berarti anda mendapat 10$,.lumayan,..sesampainya 25$ segera reedem uang itu ke rekening paypal anda,.mau info secara ditail di
Sekian infonya,terimakasi,..jangan lupa koment,.
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Komik Naruto VOL.478

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

50 komentar more...

Komik Manga Praja

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

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Catur telah meracuni Kelas ku,.,HE he eh..

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Busyet olahraga yng namanya ctur udah banyak yng minat di kls Gue.,

Fota kana saya sedang main,..

Kan kalian Udah liat..saya kadang menang and kadang kalah jga,..

Kamu-kamu and kamu mau liat juara nasional asal Ambon???jelas mau.,.
Itu yang baju kuning,.NAmanya Ishak Rianjar di apnggil Onyong,,..Pokoknya kalo lawan dia Hati" bisa 3 langkah mati loh,..
2 komentar more...

Biografi-Nightmare by:Praja

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Gitaris, Sakito dan Hitsugi mendirikan Nightmare di Sendai pada Januari 2000. Mereka kemudian digabungkan oleh vokalis Yomi, bassis Ni~Ya, dan drumer Zennin, daftar mereka belum lengkap sampai Juli ketika kepergian Zennin digantikan oleh Ruka, dulu dari Luinspear.

Nightmare memulai karir mereka dengan menggebrak dunia musik dan tidak pernah melambat. Pertunjukkan pertama mereka pada bulan Juli dan mereka merilis Zenge, demo pertama mereka, pada Agustus. Membawa suara yang berat dan keras, Hankouki., rilisan berikutnya yang langsung habis dengan cepat selama waktu pre-order, diminta dibuat keduakalinya pada bulan berikutnya.

Keseimbangan yang baru antara jazz, rock, dan synth ditunjukkan pada perilisan single berikutnya, perubahan sedikit pada style Nightmare. Selama dalam perkembangannya, mereka mengikuti rilisan berikutnya dengan tour di Nagoya dan Osaka sebelum kembali ke studio untuk merekam lebih banyak single. Outlaw, mini-albim pertama mereka. Dirilis pada November 2002, menunjukkan perkembangan, kematangan, Nightmare.

Mereka memulai tahun 2003 dengan one-man tour, Battle, sebelum merilis Djaïnism ~Omae no mono wa ore no mono~ dan Djaïnism ~Ore no mono wa ore no mono~. Diikuti dengan dua one-man tour, Nightmare mengumumkan pada pertunjukkan pertama mereka pada bulan Juni di Akasaka BLITZ, status major mereka dengan Nippon Crown. Believe, rilisan major pertama mereka, berada di no 24 tangga lagu Oricon.

Tiga bulan kemudian, triple A-side single, Akane/Hate/Over, menggebrak pasaran. Perilisan ini menjadi arahan untuk tour Ultimate Circus mereka, yang diikuti dengan dengan album dengan judul yang sama.

Pada 2004, Nightmare mengumumkan band alter ego yang tidak biasa, Sendai Kamotsu, dengan merilis DVD dan maxi single pertama band tersebut. Sebagai diri mereka sebenarnya, Nightmare berangkat untuk tour 30 hari yang dilaksanakan dari April sampai Juli, selama kesuksesan besar single mereka, Tokyo Shonen, dirilis. Single ini menarik perhatian banyak fans baru dan band ini mengakhiri tahun itu dengan kejutan pada tour CPU 2004 Ghz mereka, yang mana finalnya diadakan di Nakano Sun Plaza dan kemudian dirilis dalam bentuk DVD. Album yang lain dan koleksi PV juga dirilis sebelum akhir tahun tutup.

Pertunjukkan pertama Nightmare pada tahun 2005 diadakan di kampung halaman mereka, Sendai, dan beberapa promosi live mengikuti perilisan dari single mereka Jibun no Hana. Menerjang beberapa tour yang panjang, band ini bermain selama 35 hari ke seluruh negeri sebagai tambahan untuk memulai pertunjukan radio online, Jack in the box, yang mengudara setiap Rabu malam.

Pertama kalinya Nightmare menjadi bagian dalam sebuah anime, single the WORLD/Alumina mereka sebagai lagu permbuka dan penutup dari seri anime Death Note. Band ini kemudian melakukan lagi kegiatan mereka di Sendai Kamotsu untuk perilisan lain dari tema gay khas mereka.

Mereka melalui taun 2006 dengan kecepatan penuh dan dengan paket jadwal perilisan, memproduksi album baru, sebuah CD yang susah untuk menemukan lagu-lagu jaman indies, dan album terbaik pertama mereka. Sebagai tambahan, penjualan DVD video clip lagi dan DVD pertunjukkan TOUR Anima[lism] mereka.

Pada Febuari 2007, Nightmare merilis album the World Ruler dan pada Juni, single baru Raison D’etre, yang digunakan sebagai lagu pembuka untuk seri anime Claymore. Band ini juga teramasuk bagian dalam rangkain untuk perayaan sepuluh tahun Takadanobaba AREA, bermain juga band-band seperti Jinkaku Radio, Charlotte, dan Wizard. Bersamaan dengan pengumaman perilisan DVD baru dibawah kedua nama Nightmare dan Sendai Kamotsu, kedua band ini juga merilis single baru di bulan-bulan berikutnya.

Nightmare adalah band yang sederhana yang tidak pernah berhenti. Menciptakan, merekam, dan mempertunjukkan satu dari banyak lagu-lagu adalah sesuatu yang membuat mereka terkenal, tetap memvariasikan style mereka untuk digabungkan dengan suara yang baru yang selalu menunjukkan Nightmare yang sebenarnya. Untuk pendengar yang mencari sesuatu yang berbeda, style vokal yang operatic dari Yomi sudah cukup membuat musik band seperti itu. Untuk yang tidak pernah memberikan Nightmare kesempatan, duduk, dan dengarkan. Sekali lagi mempaketkan jadwal mereka yang hampir sampai kapasitasnya, Nightmare yakin untuk melanjutkannya selama 2007 memberikan pengalaman mendengar yang menyenangkan dan mungkin ada satu atau dua kejutan.

Yomi ~ Vocals
Real name Jun Chiba [First name Family name]
Birthday July 14th, 1981
Birthplace Furukawa
Blood Type A
Height 155cm [5'1"]
Weight 45kg [100lbs]
Foot Size 24.5-25cm [size 6.5-7 US Men size ^^]
Wrist band color Yellow
Family Mother and father, younger brother
Cigarette Brand Doesn't smoke

Hitsugi ~ Guitar
Real name Ikari Mitsuo (family name first)
Birthday March 5th, 1982
Name meaning Casket
Blood Type AB
From Tokyo
Height 164cm [5'4"]
Weight ?
Foot Size ? (secretive man, he is!)
Wrist band color Red
Family Parents and a cat :3
Cigarette Brand Seven Star

Sakito ~ Guitar
Real Name Edokawa Sakito (satu2nya yg gak ribet mikirin nama panggung)
Name meaning saki: to bloom; to: person;
Birthday June 29th, 1981
Blood Type O
From Miyagi
Height 172cm [5'6"]
Weight ?
Foot Size 24.5cm [size 9 1/2?]
Sakito Black
Family Parents, etc (etc... ETC?)
Cigarette Brand JPS

Ni~ya - Bass
Real Name Baba Yuji (family name first)
Birthday June 23rd, 1980
Blood Type A
From Miyagi
Height 177cm (5'8" about)
Weight 55kg [121lbs]
Foot Size: 26cm [size 10?]
Wrist band color: Blue
Family: Parents, older brother, younger sister
Cigarette Brand: Kool Mild

Ruka ~ Drums
Real Name Satoru Kano (...SatoRU KAno. Get it?)
Birthday June 9th, 1979
Blood Type O
From Tokyo
Height 183cm [6'0"]
Weight 60kg [132lbs]
Foot Size 27cm [size 10 1/2?]
Wrist band color Pink
Family Grandparents, parent and, a younger brother
Cigarette Brand Marlboro Menthol Lights
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Cheat GTA SanAndreas

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheats

Tags: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheats, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat Codes, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hints, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Secrets

Platform: PlayStation 2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Infinite Lung Capacity
During game play press DOWN, LEFT, L1, DOWN, DOWN, R2, DOWN, L2, DOWN

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Cars Fly
During game play press UP, DOWN, L1, R1, L1, RIGHT, LEFT, L1, LEFT

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Traffic is Fast Cars
During game play press UP, L1, R1, UP, RIGHT, UP, X, L2, X, L1

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Reduced Traffic
During game play press X, DOWN, UP, R2, DOWN, TRIANGLE, L1, TRIANGLE, LEFT

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Gangs Control the Streets
During game play press L2, UP, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, R1, R2, RIGHT, DOWN

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Taxis Have Nitrous and L3 Bunny Hop
During game play press UP, X, TRIANGLE, X, TRIANGLE, X, SQUARE, R2, RIGHT

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Weapon Aiming While Driving
During game play press UP, UP, SQUARE, L2, RIGHT, X, R1, DOWN, R2, CIRCLE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Dozer
During game play press R2, L1, L1, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, X, L1, LEFT

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Massive Bunny Hops
CJ has the ability to bunny hop on the bmx over massive distances: TRIANGLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Beach Party
Pedestrians turn into girls wearing swimsuits. Vehicles are also beach style and CJ will be dressed in shorts and sandals. While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas enter: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE, CIRCLE, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Get Parachute
LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, L1

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawns a Stunt Plane

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Monster Truck

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Vehicle of Death
Any vehicle the player is using becomes invincible and gains the ability to instantly destroy anything it touches. L1, L2, L2, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, R1, R2, R2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Full Health, Full Armor, $250,000
To have all of the above, press the following while playing GTA: San Andreas: R1, R2, L1, X, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Weapon Set 1
To unlock the Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can, Brass Knuckles in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas enter: R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Weapon Set 2
To unlock the Knife, Pistol, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec 9, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher in Unlock some new rides in GTA: San Andreas enter: R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Wanted Level Down
To erase your Wanted Level, enter the following during gameplay: R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Wanted Level Up
To raise your Wanted Level, enter the following during gameplay: R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Trashmaster
During game play press CIRCLE, R1, CIRCLE, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Romero
During game play press DOWN, R2, DOWN, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, LEFT, RIGHT.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Hotring Racer 1
During game play press R1, CIRCLE, R2, RIGHT, L1, L2, X, X, SQUARE, R1.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Bloodring Banger
During game play press DOWN, R1, CIRCLE, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, LEFT, LEFT

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Bounty on Your Head
While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas press DOWN, UP, UP, UP, X, R2, R1, L2, L2.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Perfect Handling
During game play press TRIANGLE, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L1.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Aggressive Traffic
While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas press R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Drive on Water
During game play press RIGHT, R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, SQUARE, R1, R2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Black traffic
While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas press CIRCLE, L2, UP, R1, LEFT, X, R1, L1, LEFT, CIRCLE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Pink Traffic
During game play press CIRCLE, L1, DOWN, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Flying boats
During game play press R2, CIRCLE, UP, L1, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, TRIANGLE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Ranger
During game play press UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, L1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, L2.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Hotring Racer 2
During game play press R2, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT, L1, R1, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE, R2.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Stretch
During game play press R2, UP, L2, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Caddy
During game play Press CIRCLE, L1, UP, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, CIRCLE, X

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Get Rhino
To make a Rhino tank fall from the sky, press the following during gameplay: CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, L2, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Weapon Set 3
You can unlock the Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, M4, Bazooka, Plastic Explosive in Unlock some new rides in GTA: San Andreas during gameplay by pressing R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Blow Up All Cars
To make all vehicles explode, press the following during gameplay: R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, L2, L1.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Suicide
RIGHT, L2, DOWN, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, L2, L1

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Foggy Weather
During game play press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Slower Game Play
During game play press TIRANGLE, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, SQUARE, R2, R1

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Faster Game Play
During game play press TRIANGLE, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, L1, SQUARE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Rainy Weather
During game play press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, CIRCLE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Overcast Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, TRIANGLE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Pedestrians Have Weapons

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Pedestrian Riot- Cannot be disabled
DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, X, R2, R1, L2, L1

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Sunny Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, SQUARE

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Faster Clock

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Faster Cars
RIGHT, R1, UP, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R1, R1

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Unlockable List
  • Weapons in Kitchen
    To enable the Ak-47, Tec-9, Sawn-Off Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails to spawn in the Johnson's Family Home complete all 100 tags in Los Santos.
  • Extra 50 Percent Health
    To enable 50 percent extra health complete level 12 of the paramedic mission.
  • Fireproof
    To enable fireproof complete level 12 of the fire fighter missions.
  • Pimping mission
    To start the pimping mission, enter a broadway (low-rider vehicle) and press R3. Drive the prostitutes to their destinations for big cash. After the tenth "trick" prostitutes PAY you rather than you paying them.
  • Nitro Taxi
    To enable all the taxis in the game to have nitro drop off 50 people in the taxi mission. By pressing R3 the taxi can now hop and by pressing L1 or circle the taxi uses nitro.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Spawn Jetpack
During game play press L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Video Game in Johnson House
When you enter the Johnson house there is a TV to your right with a game console on the floor in front of it, if you approach it, it will give the option to play a "Starship" game.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: CJ Phone Home
CJ has the ability to bunny hop on the BMX over massive distances, reaching heights of over 100 feet. Press Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2 during gameplay.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Vehicle of Death
Whatever vehicle the player is using becomes invulnerable and gains the old tank ability to instantly destroy anything it touches. This applies to everything from the cars to motorcycles, golf carts, and even BMX bikes. Press L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2 during gameplay.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Maximum Muscle
Maximum muscle instantly. Press Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left during gameplay.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Jump High
CJ can now jump 10 times as high as before. That's right, CJ's getting higher than ever. Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Fatty
CJ turns into one hell of a tubby. Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: ATV Quad
Spawns a quad that drops down right in front of CJ. While playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Vortex Hovercraft
Spawns a hovercraft in front of CJ. Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Hydra
Spawns a Hydra in front of CJ. Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Skinny
CJ loses all the fat and the muscle to turn into one scrawny gangster. Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Orange Sky and Time Stopped at 21:00
During game play press LEFT, LEFT, L2, R1, RIGHT, SQUARE, SQUARE, L1, L2, X

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Funhouse Theme

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Super-Punch
During gameplay, press UP, LEFT, X, TRIANGLE, R1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L2. A message will confirm code entry. This will allow you to launch people when you punch them and finish them with a one hit kill.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Recruit Pedestrians to Gang
Press DOWN, SQUARE, UP, R2, R2, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP. A message will confirm code entry. You should be able to take anyone into your gang like pedestrians and rival gangs.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Sandstorm
To make a sandstorm enter UP,DOWN,L1,L1,L2,L2,L1,L2,R1,R2

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat List

  • Chaos Mode: L2, RIGHT, L1, TRAINGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1
  • Spawn Hunter: CIRCLE, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, R1 R2, L2, L1, L1
  • Spawn Tanker: R1, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, R2, UP, RIGHT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L2, L1, L1
  • All cars have Nitros: LEFT, TRIANGLE, R1, L1, UP, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, DOWN, CIRCLE, L2, L1, L1
  • Maximum Vehicle Stats: SQUARE, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1
  • Hitman in all weapons: DOWN, SQUARE, X, LEFT, R1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, L1, L1, L1
  • Maximum Respect: L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R2, X, L1, UP, L2, L2, L1, L1
  • Maximum Sex Appeal: CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, UP, CIRCLE, R1, L2, UP, TRIANGLE, L1, L1, L1
  • Traffic is country vehicles (minus hillbilly gear): TRIANGLE, LEFT, SQUARE, R2, UP, L2, DOWN, L1, X, L1, L1, L1
  • Cloudy Weather: L2, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, SQUARE, LEFT, R2, SQUARE, X, R1, L1, L1
  • Peds Attack (guns): X, L1, UP, SQUARE, DOWN, X, L2, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R1, L1, L1
  • All traffic is crap cars: L2, RIGHT, L1, UP, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1
  • Infinite Ammo: L1, R1, SQUARE, R1, LEFT, R2, R1, LEFT, SQUARE, DOWN, L1, L1

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: Night
During gameplay, enter R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, TRIANGLE.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat; Insane Handling
During gameplay enter TRIANGLE, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L1.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheat: All Traffic is Junk Cars
Enter L2, RIGHT, L1, UP, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Unlockable: Dating Rewards
  • Medic Outfit: 100% with Katie Zhan
  • Pimp Outfit: 100% with Denise Robinson
  • Racing Outfit: 100% with Michelle
  • Police Outfit: 100% with Barbara
  • Keep weapon after getting busted: Date Barbara
  • Keep weapon after getting wasted: Date Katie

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Unlockable: Secret Vehicles
Unlock some new rides in GTA: San Andreas by following these directions:
  • BF Injection: Get First place at the Dirt ring race Las Venturas Stadium.
  • Super GT: Get all Bronze medal in Driving school.
  • Dune Buggy: Beat the score of 25 at the Dirt Ring.
  • Hotknife: Get all gold medals in the Driving school.
  • Jet Pack: Complete the Airstip asset near Las Venturas.
  • NRG 500: Get all gold medals in Bike School. This bike can be found quite easily in a car park near the Johnson house.
  • Rustler: Get all Bronze medal in pilot school.
  • Freeway: Get all Bronze awards in Bike School.
  • Hotring racer: Get First place in 8-Track.
  • Monster Truck: Win it by beatin the 8-Track Tournament.
  • Stunt plane: Get all silver medals at the pilot school.
Submitted by Chris Kelly

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Unlockable: Date for Cars
Get the relationship to 50%

  • Bandito: Date Helena
  • Club: Date Millie
  • Green hustler: Date Denise
  • Monster Truck: Date Michelle
  • Ranger: Date Barbara
  • Romero: Date Katie

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Play Basketball
Head to the left of Sweet's house (and go into the back yard) in your neighborhood to find a basketball court. Pick up the ball and follow the onscreen instructions to play some hoop.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Easy Firearms
Head out behind your house in Los Santos and go down into the aqueduct. Go down the slope and head right along the walkway to locate a nice Mini SMG. You'll also find a pistol in Sweet's backyard.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Easy Body Armor
Go out behind the house and into the aqueduct to the left. Go down the sloped wall of the aqueduct and head left. On an incline underneath the bridge, you'll find a handy vest.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Easy Money for Cleaning the Hood
Anytime you kill a drug dealer, you will net $2000. Drug dealers normally wear black jackets (some have white hoodies) and stand still waiting for people to talk to them. Kill as many as you can find to build up your cash stash quickly.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Snapshots
At 12:01 AM in San Fierro all of the snapshot areas glow.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: GTA3
In the mission "Wu Zi Mu," your "girlfriend" will start to attack you and leave you for the character you play as in GTA3. The mission has you racing against him and 2 others. After the race they leave for Liberty city.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Secret Weapon
To find a unique weapon, head to the Police Department in Los Santos (or just get "Busted"). Enter the building and walk to the shower room. You'll find a sex toy that can be used as a melee weapon.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Quick Hood Defence
While playing the game, your hood will undergo attacks from other factions. To save yourself some time and end these disaster quickly, simply jack any vehice in which you can access extra missions using R3 (i.e., police vehicles, fire vehicles, taxicabs, ambulance, et al.). Start and end the extra mission (press R3 and exit the vehicle) and your hood will no longer undergo attack.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Super Bunny Hop
Grab a bicycle (this works better if your bike skills are all the way up) make sure you have a weapon you can fire on your bike, hold down L1, right. As you release L1 to bunny hop fire your gun (your timing must be perfect but it gets easier), if your bike skills are high you will be able to clear stop lights and get on top of sum buildings easily! This comes in handy!

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint - 2P Select-A-Drive-By-Shooting
During co-op, you can use the weapon codes to alter the weapon used for drive-bys. Once you have a "normal" drive-by weapon, expend all the ammo and select a different weapon (rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and grenades are invalid).

Board a vehicle with the selected weapon and input any weapon cheat again (refills ammo). The weapon you selected will now be usable for drive-by mode.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Glitch: Zap The Hood
When attempting a take over of a hood, exploit the game by looking for a nearby body of water deep enough for CJ to actually swim in.

Get into the water then swim back out and a message will apear claiming that the hood is yours.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Easter Egg: No Easter Egg
Fly up to the southern support beam of the Gant Bridge with the jet pack for a special message.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Easter Egg: Hoodlum Noteriety
When you finish some missions (for example: 555 we tip) listen to the radio. You'll hear the person talking about the mission just passed.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Easter Egg: Rockstar Cameos
In one of Zero's mission, where you have to use the machine gun to knock down the RC planes, you can see some action figures of Rockstar characters like Tommy Vercetti, Lance Vance, as well as characters from other games in Rockstar's line-up during Zero's dialogue.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hint: Bullet Proof Cars
During the mission "High Stakes, Low Rider", keep the competition closely behind you until the pier finish line. Once the race is over the other cars appear behind you.

With another car or by just walking, push Ceasar's red car up the pier and over the edge of the sidewalk into your nearby safe house garage to the left. What's the point of all this? Not only is it a pimp red car, it's also BULLET PROOF, which helps alot this early in the game.

Submitted by mrsparkle07

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Easter Egg: Inside-Out-Town
Note: This will corrupt your save file due to the cheat involved; for best results, pull out your PS2 memory card prior to your attempt.
  1. Go to the gym in Ganton
  2. Kill all 4 people inside.
  3. Use the jetpack cheat.
  4. Walk to the yellow marker with the jetpack, and fly straight up. You'll go straight up through the roof. Now, land on the roof.
  5. Fly 2 blocks east, and you'll see a yellow marker. Land right on/near the marker, take off the jetpack, and walk inside the marker.
  6. You'll enter the Angel Pine Motel building. Grab your jetpack (if you see it), or respawn it again with a cheat.
  7. You can now fly up, and around the interior universe.

    Nah ada lagi yng ga bisa bhs Inggris tanya saja yah,..

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Baru Di Dunia Blogger

by Rejap'ZTA BLOG Praja on Nov.22, 2009, under

Hi teman-teman,.,Selamat Datang di bolog eh salah maksudku Blog baru jdi ini.
Nama ku Praja Dwi Sutrisno.,
Aku kelahiran 1995 tgl 15 MARET,.(kalo ultah kirim hadiah ea,..)ke ke ke.,.
Hobi ku banyak ga bisa di tulis di sini ,.klo di tulis abis nih,.
truss apa ea,..selanjutnya nanti aku jelasin.,.jangan bosen-bosen ya mampir ke BLOG ku,.,SAlam Praja,..
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